The Tools You Need to Talk Up Intercept X

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The numbers on ransomware attacks recently are staggering. Everyone’s at risk, and now is the time to help customers find the world’s best endpoint solution.

The numbers on ransomware attacks recently are staggering: did you know that 21% of organizations fell victim to ransomware last year?* And that the average cost to clean up a ransomware attack in the U.S. is $755,991? Everyone’s at risk, and now is the time to help customers find the best solution to ransomware.

Intercept X is clearly the world’s best endpoint solution. Don’t take our word for it – numerous independent analysts offer proof.

With that kind of evidence, it’s a great time to help your customers make the switch to the better protection that Intercept X provides. To make that even easier, we’ve packaged a range of sales and marketing assets for you to use.

Helping you sell

There are great marketing campaigns available on our partner portal to support your sales initiatives. Don’t miss the co-brandable HTML and Outlook emails to generate new next-gen endpoint business and to replace Symantec. Send these emails to prospects to push the competitive advantages of Intercept X. If you need any help with email co-branding or tracking, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our Channel Service Center at


Here is a list of landing pages packed full of information you can direct your prospects and customers to:

Sophos solutions that stop ransomware

And to take a step further, here’s a great overview on Sophos solutions that stop ransomware. It explains, using the very real example of Ryuk ransomware, how Sophos solutions stops ransomware at every stage of the attack.


*Source: Global Cybersecurity Survey, independent survey of 3,100 IT managers across 12 countries, January 2020


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