Choose your own Hackventure

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Creating a customer presentation that stands out and keeps a prospect’s interest can be challenging. Especially as the restrictions surrounding movement and face-to-face meetings have generated a real sense of ‘zoom fatigue’. We’ve all experienced an endless stream of online meetings, often with the same tired product pitches. At Sophos, we set out to create an event that was engaging and innovative by turning the tables to look at the mysterious world of the cybercriminal. Whilst we all know that cybercrime is a very real threat, I wonder how many people ever stop to consider how a cyber-attack is actually conceived, planned and executed – enter ‘Choose your own Hackventure’.

An interactive experience like no other, in the Hackventure, the audience get to play the part of a would-be cybercriminal and help steer some of the choices that are a key part of the cybercrime process. It begins with selecting a victim from a line up and then using the information that is freely available on social media against them to craft a targeted attack they cannot resist – a cautionary tale for us all. Once we have a foothold established, the audience must choose our next step and so on until ultimately, we choose how to cash out on our exercise – often with ransomware.

By showing the relative simplicity of attacks, we are inviting the prospect to consider their security arrangements and rigor when it comes to background tasks such as patching and identity control. Thought leadership continues as we invite the prospects to join us on a forensic investigation into the incident from the victim’s perspective, a chance to showcase our EDR functionality and position MTR to those prospects who find the thought of threat hunting daunting.

It’s a session that (intentionally) poses more questions than it answers and leaves the door wide open for follow up discussion and debate with your prospects and should hopefully lead to some sales. If you’d like to see an example of a session you can view a recording here:

I hope this inspires you when you are creating your own events and seminars, or alternatively if you think you can get a suitable audience together, why not drop me an email and we can consider running an event in collaboration.