The Benefits of Sophos Central Device Encryption

ProduitsEncryptionSophos Central

Easy to setup, easy to manage – CDE is a perfect accompaniment to Intercept X.

Increased remote working makes it more important than ever to protect computers and the data on them. With Sophos Central Device Encryption (CDE), customers secure machines in a handful of clicks, with none of the hassle sometimes associated with encryption.


While disk encryption has long been a vital component of device security, it has sometimes meant complexity and admin overhead. CDE focuses on making disk encryption for Windows and macOS intuitive and hassle-free. There’s no server for the admin to setup, and just a single policy to enable. Even better, it uses the same core agent as Intercept X, meaning existing Sophos customers have no extra agent to install.


Endpoint protection and disk encryption go hand in hand. And, because it’s so easy to get up and running with encryption, CDE is a great accompaniment to Intercept X. Under the hood, we leverage Windows BitLocker and macOS FileVault technology to do the heavy lifting when it comes to encrypting and decrypting data on the disk. With these technologies being integrated deeply into each operating system, performance and security is first-class.

Take a look at the below assets to find out more about Sophos Central Device Encryption.