New Phone Numbers to Reach the Rapid Response Service

ProductsSophos Rapid Response

Call our direct phone numbers to get help if you or customers are under attack.

There is a new process for customers and partners to contact Sophos if they need help from the Rapid Response service. New phone numbers have been established that will dial the Incident Advisor team directly. Previously we instructed organizations to call Sophos Support and had them route opportunities to the sales desk. This new process should get organizations the help they need even faster.

Regional numbers are below.

  • USA: +1 4087461064
  • Australia: +61 272084454
  • Canada: +1 7785897255
  • France: +33 186539880
  • Germany: +49 61171186766
  • United Kingdom: +44 1235635329

The phone will continue ringing for several minutes as the system tries each Incident Advisors. If none pick up then it will go to voicemail. We encourage customers and partners to stay on until someone picks up or they get to the voicemail system, in which case an Incident Advisor will respond as soon as they are free.

The Rapid Response page has been updated with the new numbers. The easiest advice to give customers if they are experiencing an active incident and need help from the Rapid Response team is to visit and hit the “Get Immediate Help” button for contact information.