After months of competing for bandwidth with a few other individuals at home (like the children’s PlayStation if my house is anything to go by), users are now faced with an office full of colleagues. As organisations return to office-based work, their wireless networks are taking the strain and are ripe for upgrade and replacement.
We’re making some changes to the licensing structure for wireless that means there’s never been a better time than now to discuss it with your customers!
We’re removing the requirement to have a management license for Sophos Central Management. Yes, you read that right, Wireless management in Sophos Central is now FREE!
It means your customers can simply purchase our range of access points and manage them in Central without ongoing fees. It also means that any customers who are currently managing their wireless access point via their Sophos firewall now have a chance to enjoy the superior management features available inside Sophos Central. Check out the licensing guide here.
So there you have it, a great reason to call on both current and prospect wireless customers.
If you’d like to find out more, you can visit this article. You can also listen to our recent Vlog and Podcast which cover this update.