NEW Global XG to XGS Promo Starting November 1, 2022

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XG customers save 50% on their XGS hardware refresh

At a time when every potential investment is up for review, some customers may be tempted to forgo a hardware refresh upon renewal. With our new promo, we want to make the decision to upgrade a little easier.

Starting November 1, 2022, we are introducing a global promotion exclusively for your existing XG Series customers, with 50% hardware discount when they order a minimum 3-year term for Xstream Protection. This allows us to include all XGS models in the promo and use the same terms and conditions for every region. There is a single promo code for all regions.

The Offer: Buy a new XGS Series appliance together with a minimum 3-year term for Xstream Protection and get 50% discount on the hardware.
Promo Code: Global_XG_to_XGS
Start Date: November 1, 2022
End Date: March 31, 2023
Eligible Models: All XGS models are eligible.
Exclusions: Passive HA units without their own subscription are not eligible for this discount.
Orders with just Standard Protection or other individual subscriptions are also excluded.
Countries: All active Sophos sales regions/countries except Russia and Belarus.
Terms: Please see the promo flyer on the Partner Portal for the full terms and conditions.

Additional translated versions of the promo flyer will be uploaded to the Partner Portal in the coming days.

Why should an XG customer switch to XGS?

The Xstream Flow Processor in every XGS model provides customers with additional performance improvements in every release, freeing up capacity to scale up protection, and making day-to-day administration more efficient. The newer hardware models also offer many new connectivity options over the legacy models.

This Desk Aid is a handy reference for the reasons to upgrade and provides you with some of the things to consider when promoting a hardware refresh.

Download the XG to XGS DeskAid

Full details on the XGS hardware is available under

Which other XGS promos are available in my region?

Our existing XGS promos have already helped many partners to boost their firewall business in a difficult economic climate and will continue to be available for your competitive firewall trade-in opportunities and SG Series migrations. The current expiry date for those promos is December 31, 2022. As the conditions for these promos may vary by region, you can access the flyers on the Partner Portal or reach out to your local Sophos team to find out more.

What if my customer wants to do an early renewal?

Mid-term changes are possible. Please ask your local Sophos sales team for further details.

With the addition of this promo, you now have attractive offers for many different audiences and can promote the benefits of using Sophos Firewall along with our other products for the very best in protection and performance.

Don’t forget to catch up on the new features coming in Sophos Firewall OS v19.5 in our blog series.