Getting Started with Sophos MSP: Jumpstart Your Success in 2 Sessions

Partner ProgramEventsMSP

EMEA Partners: Join us on Wednesday 22nd and Friday 24th November

You have already successfully completed the most difficult step and achieved the Sophos MSP Connect Flex Certification, but you may struggle to generate monthly business yet. Does this sound familiar? Your success as an MSP matters to us. This is why we want to help you grow your monthly revenue and start selling with Sophos.

Our dedicated MSP experts have prepared for you two live virtual sessions to help you make the first steps as a Sophos MSP.

Live interactive sessions

During the sessions, you will:

  • Receive support from our experts on sales plays and service bundles
  • Get new ideas on how to best leverage and sell Sophos solutions by integrating them into your own services portfolio
  • Be eligible for two incentives to help you get started and grow your billings
  • Participate in a live Q&A round to ask all of your questions

Sessions will take place on

Wednesday 22nd November at 11:00 AM – 11:45 AM CET
Friday 24th November at 10:00 AM – 10:45 AM GMT

Register Now for Both Sessions

How do the incentives work?  

Attend both sessions workshops and start to transact before the 22nd of March 2024 to be eligible for:

  • Up to 30% discount on several service bundles depending on your business needs. You will receive details of the discounts and bundles in the live sessions.
  • A 1:1 website consultation with MSP Marketing expert Mark Copeman, Director of Wingman MSP Marketing for 2 participants from each country. Mark will review your website and give you valuable tips and tricks how to transform your website into a powerful lead gen tool.

Register Now