New XG v18 Firmware Update Available

ProductsSophos XG FirewallTechnical News

With more than 6,500 live deployments running XG Firewall v18 and growing, the product team has a new build of XG Firewall v18 firmware available to address a few concerns related to upgrading from v17.5, as well as improve VPN scalability, which is experiencing tremendous demand these days.

With more than 6,500 live deployments running XG Firewall v18 and growing, the product team has a new build of XG Firewall v18 firmware available to address a few concerns related to upgrading from v17.5, as well as improve VPN scalability, which is experiencing tremendous demand these days.

What’s Included in this update:

  • Resolves issues some customers experienced upgrading from v17.x to v18
  • Sophos Connect VPN remote-access client can now support more than 255 IP addresses
  • Fixed a reliability concern with some SSL VPN tunnels

Please advise any v18 customers you are aware of to look for the update in their console. It has been pushed out to all systems currently running v18.

More detailed release notes and firmware downloads for those new to v18 can be found on the community blog.