XG Series EOL: Global Sales Campaign

ResourcesSophos FirewallSophos XG Series Hardware

Supporting your renewal, refresh, and reinforce efforts

On March 31, 2025, the XG Series hardware platform will reach its end-of-life date.

This is an ideal time for you to reach out to this large customer install base to plan a hardware refresh and, at the same time, discuss how you can bolster security defenses and upgrade the network to support faster connectivity speeds.

Every hardware refresh provides cross-sell opportunities, and by using our promos with up to 99% discount off XGS hardware, you can free up budget for your customers to make other security investments.

Our Global XG EOL Sales Campaign provides several assets to support your hardware refresh campaign, including a desk aid with the good, better, and best outcomes, an XG to XGS comparison, a co-brandable email template, and much more.

Check out the campaign page on the Partner Portal

Should you have questions about this campaign, your local Sophos distributor or Sophos team will be happy to help.