macOS 11 and Apple Silicon (M1 series) Processor Support Update

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Here is the latest information for macOS 11 (Big Sur) and Apple Silicon (M1 series) Processor support for Sophos Endpoint products.

Is macOS 11 supported?
Yes. Roll-out has successfully completed for Sophos Central and Sophos Enterprise Console (SEC). All customers have received the updated version that supports macOS 11 natively. No customer action is required unless they have devices with M1 processors which require Rosetta 2 to be installed.

Are Apple Silicon (M1 series) Processors supported for macOS 11?
Apple Silicon (M1 series) processors are currently supported with Rosetta 2. Customers that have Apple Silicon (M1 series) processor devices and are running macOS 11 will need to install Rosetta 2 in order to use Sophos Endpoint products. They do not need to join the early access program.

Rosetta 2 should automatically prompt for installation if it isn’t already in use on the device. If not, manual installation is straightforward. See KBA39501 for further detail.

What is Rosetta 2?
Rosetta 2 is a commonly used tool that enables a Mac with Apple silicon to use apps built for a Mac with an Intel processor. For more information, please refer to

Will there be a performance difference when using Rosetta 2?
Native support using the full power and performance of the Apple hardware will always be faster than using Rosetta 2. For normal business users there should not be any discernible difference. For heavy users of disk or CPU (for example: video editing, heavy photoshop usage, compiling) they will notice a difference in performance.

When will Apple Silicon (M1 series) processors be natively supported?
An early access program for native Apple Silicon (M1 series) processor support is planned to start in April.