New AP6 Series Pricing: Review Existing Quotes

ProductsAP6Pricing & LicensingSophos Wireless

Ensure you benefit from our attractive new pricing

We’ve heard very positive feedback from many of you about our attractive new pricing for the AP6 Series access points and support that came into effect on April 8, 2024.

To ensure that you and your customers benefit from the price reductions, some existing quotes may need manual intervention to trigger the recalculation. We recommend that you review any valid, existing quote created before the new pricing was active (i.e., before 9 am UK time on April 8, 2024).

How to apply the new pricing to existing quotes

If you have a quote created before 9 am UK time on April 8 that is not showing the new pricing:

  1. Remove all quote lines for AP6 products.
    This includes AP6 support, as those SKUs also have new pricing and are based on the lower MSRPs for the AP6 hardware.
  2. Add the AP6 products and support again.

⇨ All AP6 products will now be shown with the new reduced prices.

No action is required for any quote created after 9 am UK time on April 8, 2024.

AP6 Promo Codes

As all AP6 promo codes have already expired, they can be removed from your quotes.

Good to know: When ordering support for AP6, a 3-year term with the new pricing is more attractive than the previous 12-month free support promo with the same term.

We apologize for any additional work that this may cause, however, now that this highly competitive new pricing is available, we want to ensure that you don’t miss out on any Wireless opportunities.

Should you have any questions or need further assistance, your local Sophos distributor or channel account manager will be happy to help.